Monday, September 7, 2015

Personal Project Review Video Assignment #1

What was the scope of the project?
The scope of the project was to tell a story to the audience with a beginning, middle, and end without using words or letters. We couldn't move the camera, but we could use are 6 shot sequence.
What was your process (speak to Pre-Production...idea, concepting, storyboards, etc.; Production...the actual creation; Post-Production...editing)? 
The process was simple my partner and i decided on a procedure we wanted to do. We chose the story that would best tell a story, that had a beginning, middle, and end. Once we figured out what we wanted to do, we talked about our ideas and what we wanted to get out of the project. After talking about we story boarded what we wanted to do. After that we planned out what days we were gonna film and edit. 
What did you learn along the way?Technically (Software/Hardware etc.)Professionally (Collaboration, Teamwork, Project Deadlines)
Team work is key when you are working with a partner, if your not on the same page and collaborate your thoughts something could go wrong with the video. 
What would you do different? Why?
I would personality like to follow the story board better and follow it more closely i felt like after the first 4 scenes we went off of what we thought was gonna be good instead of following what we planned out.
What would you do the same? Why?
The first thing i would do the same is keep my partner the same, i liked who I worked with and we worked good together.
What experiences will you draw from to enhance your next project?
Do better on the close-ups and or add more close ups.
General thoughts & conclusions?
I liked what we did i like how there is a beginning, middle, and end. We did all the required elements to project. We accomplished what was set out towards us and that was to tell a story in a video without using words or letters, and also still telling a story to audience.

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