Monday, December 12, 2016

Technical Tutorial Post

I’m going to talk about being a broadcaster and getting ready for a broadcast. This skill is only needed when you have an interest of being a broadcaster.  My purpose is because I like to broadcast and I have a interest in broadcasting and I like what I’m doing when it comes to broadcasting.
1.     Step one is to know the two teams of the game you are broadcasting for.
2.     Once you know the teams, talk with your partner about some things you guys want to talk about during the broadcast. 
3.     Email the coaches and ask them for a brief recap of what is going on with there team, an injury update, keys to the game for them, and key players and starters for them.
4.     Have another meeting a day before the broadcast and go over what both of you have researched.
5.     Game day. Have a final walk through.
6.     Call the game. Image result for Marv albert

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