Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Professional Project Review Post: Blood Donation Student Review.

This story is a student who is interviewing other students about giving blood. The reason I’m looking at this is to get ideas of what I can do when i interview people Friday about giving blood. I’m analyzing the shots they took and also the questions they asked to the people. In this video sometimes they do a good job of shooting the video the other times they are doing a bad job. The story being told was that students at a school came together to help other people in need even though they may never know them. The students were very excited that they were able to donate. One thing I will apply to my work is to make sure to move the camera to a different angle every 50 seconds. They did a nice job of the people being interviewed looking to the left. The creator of this video did a very good job he told the story well of the kids giving blood, but also the story of how the blood there donating can save other peoples lives. They could improve on when they were asking questions that next time they should get closer up so that there in there business and look more interesting.

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