Tuesday, October 6, 2015

This is my updated color to fit my teachers preference. The very first pattern imaged that is showed is repeating pattern. The bottom image is a photo of my repeating pattern i made. The pattern I made is squares side the squares. In this project I didn't use the pattern tool much. I used the pathfinder tool. To create the pattern you have to go to object-pattern- make. Both of these images are repeating pattern.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your pattern is very interesting because it looks almost as if it is different sizes but it's not which is amazing!

  3. Your first pattern looks a little too simple but your second pattern looks awesome and it looks like none of the shapes are the same size.

  4. the top pattern has too much white space

  5. I think both patterns are very nice: Different yet complementary. However, you'll have to turn one of them into a motif. Right now, they're both just repeat patterns. A motif has only one component that is symmetrical that stretches across the entire artboard.
