Thursday, October 29, 2015

Professional Article Review Post: Creative Anarchy at Its Very Best

The 3 key points of the article are Why design rules matter, Why embrace creative anarchy?, How to incite anarchy. The article is about following rules of graphing design but also to embrace your creativeness also to not shy away from your thoughts and what you want to do. The authors argument is follow the rules but also know when to do your own thing. The author assures that by stating stay open to what is happening no matter what always practice. The strengths of the article are following the rules and doing what he was taught and also what he teaches, his weaknesses are the fact he has been doing graphic design for 20+ years and doesn't know everything. He still has to learn as to say as a college student or even a high school student has to learn. But a weakness is good not everyone is perfect the fact that he still has to learn shows that graphic design is getting more interventive and more creative.  The conclusion is that no matter how much you know and how much you follow the directions there are new things to learn which is good.  This helps me as a high school graphic designed (I attend to make this a career if I get better and hopefully can pursue a career) by knowing you need to follow the rules (don’t know a lot of them ) but you can also add in your own creativeness never lack knowledge . The author’s argument does support the main points. To me the evidence isn’t convincing but to a student or even a adult who know what there talking about yes this is helpful. A lot of the article has challenging vocab words we have not quite learned, one of the challenging words for me is the word is exploring design. My final thoughts are I hope I can take this information and keep on growing what this article said. 

Special Thanks to Denise Bosler for letting me blog about her article. 

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